Support Ecola Bible College,

 How can you support Ecola today?

  • Pray for Ecola and the students studying here on a regular basis.

  • Follow us on Facebook and share our posts with friends.

  • Financially support a current student.

  • Give monthly to the general operations fund.

Tax Information,

Short Term Bible Schools, Inc., doing business as Ecola Bible College, is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c(3) Religious Non-profit institution. As such, we are able to issue tax deductible receipts for gifts given to the general fund of the school or designated for one of its ministries or projects.

However, according to IRS rules, payments, gifts, or other monies given on behalf of a student for their school fees, whether or not the donor is related to the student, are not eligible for a tax deduction. We are therefore not able to issue tax deductible receipts for such contributions.

Ecola Bible College and the Ecola School of Ministry are not accredited and therefore not approved by the Internal Revenue Service to issue 1098-T forms for tuition tax credits. Please contact your tax consultant if you have any questions or wish further information about these matters.